Petrobras: Drilling in Troubled Waters?

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In October 2013, American credit rating agency Moody’s downgraded the long-term debt rating of Brazil-based multinational energy corporation Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) to Baa1, the third lowest investment grade rating offered by the rating agency . The rating signified that Petrobras would have large negative cash flow over the next few years.

Thomas Coleman, Senior Vice President, Moody’s, said, “We see Petrobras’s leverage to be nearing peak levels in 2013 and 2014, significantly higher than those of its industry peers and only likely to decline in 2015 and beyond. Successful execution on its ambitious capital program and delivery on aggressive production targets will be the key to reducing leverage in the next few years and to stabilizing the rating outlook.”

Business Environment Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
Business Environment Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
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Petrobras, a state-owned enterprise, was founded in 1953, and had a monopoly over oil exploration in Brazil till 1997 when oil production was liberalized. In 2007, Petrobras discovered offshore reserves in the pre-salt cluster . With the pre-salt reserves estimated to have reserves about 50 to 100 billion barrels of oil – some experts believed that oil production would reach 5 million bpd by 2020 and propel Petrobras into the league of the next oil superpowers........

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